Monday 8 December 2008

AllyF's profile pictureAllyF

Dec 08 08, 12:40am (about 13 hours ago)


I took my lad to a Halloween theme park called Spooky World the other year.

It was a farm.

The "Ghost Train" involved sitting on a trailer behind a tractor with about 20 hyperactive kids and a dozen fractious parents, getting pulled through some trees. There were an assortment of mannequins hanging from the tree with knives sticking out of their bodies like a no-budget chamber of horrors.

Just as it was all over and you were thinking 'well that was a bit crap' a screaming maniac in a hockey mask with a whirring chainsaw came bursting out of the trees chasing towards us and trying to jump on the back of the trailer.

At least half the kids and several of the adults instantly started howling inconsolably and a thin layer of piss and shit lapped at our feet.

Brilliant, it was.

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