Tuesday, 30 March 2010

I have to confess that before the LHC was built I didn't really know what a Hadron was.
Previously I'd thought it was a typo of the medical term used to describe the effect of Viagra.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Things To Do Before The End Of The World

Sat Mar 20 12:07:33 GMT 2010 by John Crumb
Polemos, have you thought about death? If the world is really about to end, it might be something worth pondering. Like killing yourself or killing a bunch of people. Think about it. Not just for personal kicks, you could actually contribute to science by risking your life in some experiment! Here's an idea: how about playing Shroedinger's cat to proove to yourself the Everett interpretation? Sounds like fun. If I was so sure the world is about to end, I would certainly try it. Also I would try a lot of other things, like running naked on the street, showing up naked in some TV live show and speaking out my mind, riding the metro or the bus naked, and a lot of other things that involve public nudity. Good luck!

Sunday, 14 March 2010

10:48 March 12, 2010 by geecee61
If her tits did'nt distract me so much I'd attempt a sensible comment...as such.....got nothing!

Friday, 12 March 2010


12 Mar 2010, 10:12AM

@pinkdwin - maybe the immigrants sneak out in the dark of night, and STEAL the asphalt, and take it back to their filthy hovels and eat it, or have sex with it, or worship it in twisted religious practices, and then in the morning a sweetly pretty fair English maiden on her bicycle, with a wicker basket on the front full of kittens and food for old people, falls into the pothole and DIES.
The vicious dirty bastards.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Image of RajolaeRajolae03/04/10
I think if the Steam forum people teamed up with 4chan, they'd have the cure for cancer knocked out in a week and solve the Voynich manuscript before dinner. 

Blore07 promoted this comment

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


2 Mar 2010, 3:06PM
i eat off my mac book pro while updating twitter and watching the wire in starbucks while being creative! Usually it will be a tofu and passion fruit pie liquidised into a frothy non skinny frapalattechino with a sprinkling of fair trade cocaine on the top!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

I've got some sign language for them if they don't hurry the fuck up with HL2:Ep3 and TF2 360 updates.
Phydeaux promoted this comment

Monday, 8 February 2010

18:00 February 5, 2010 by Freja
Ha ha ha....

Only a Brit could refer to the following as food heaven: "salad cream, custard, proper tea bags, kippers or proper crisps!" Good one Fratton!!

Cogito, you are you based at a homeless shelter? "It's either white fish in white sauce or gray meat in brown sauce. A salad is soggy marinated cabbage."

You need to get out, and spend a little bit more than those crappy 10kr McD meals and korvkiosks things you get sto stuff yourself.

Perhaps you two should stock up on some of those facination ready made meals and invest in a micro. That would probably hit your sweet spots.

Stockholm is a great food city for anyone who is into fresh food, and particulary sea food.

But "fresh" is obviuosly not everyone's cuppatea.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010


19 Jan 2010, 1:07PM

if you struggle with the wire watch on DVD with subtitles, you learn great lingo, like mos def, true dat, mope, re up, aaaight . After every 2nd episode look them up on wikipedia to make sure you didnt miss anything and then read the wikipedia biography of every character from the episode. Highly rewarding
i missed the new doctor who on tv so got them on box set but they werent in the same league