Tuesday, 23 December 2008

windows varsion?
December 22nd, 2008 | 18:57
meh, too bad their isnt a windows version because who would use this on a MAC? Kind of pointless when winrar is for PC. Most people that use MAC use it for art or are just f4ggy trend followers, so i doubt they have any use for this.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

spazzysausage (13 minutes ago) 

shut the hell up its his sense of humour that got him this far. Jealousy gets you nowhere. If you think e is an idiot why are you watching his videos. Like to see you do what he does maybe if you had a sense of humour we might have heard of you. Hope your next shits a hedgehog!!

Sunday, 14 December 2008

If only everyone were as noble and humourless as this

14 Dec 08, 1:37am (about 20 hours ago)

Its ugly and it needs to be kicked. Sure, I understand that the serious discussion of this topic was in Toynbee's article yesterday, and that your article, Mitchell, is meant to be just for fun. And sure, death is indeed a joking matter.

But your attempts at humour are worse than failures. I find them nauseating and offensive. One should not make jokes when one is arguing in favour of the continued torture of those who live in pain and hopeless misery . Consider a person lying in bed, in pain, unable to concentrate clearly, her limbs paralyzed, her bowels beyond her control. She may very much wish to stay. But, then again, she may very much wish to leave; she may wish to have been what she used to be, not what she is now. And there you are, discussing her fate, giggling and making irrelevant jokes about latinate words and creases in your trousers.

Your arguments seem to be designed for wisecracks and totally devoid of compassion.

"Surely we haven't cheated evolution so much that we're even losing our survival instinct? That would be tampering with nature in a way that makes embryo research and GM crops look like the rhythm method."

Not funny, just silly. There is the ancient notion of a coup de grace or mercy killing. It is not "tampering with nature".

"You may feel tired, most of the people you know may have left and those who remain may seem young and rude, but someone will do an offy run in a minute and you'd be sorry if you missed that."

Like you, as it happens, I do my packing at the last moment. But do you understand that not everyone is just like you in every respect? Unlike you, if I find myself at a party that vexes me, then I usually choose to leave early. No, I would not be sorry about missing an "offy run" because, unlike you, I would not enjoy sniggering about it afterwards. In particular, I dislike parties that are full of people who snort with mirth over the misfortunes of others.

Monday, 8 December 2008

AllyF's profile pictureAllyF

Dec 08 08, 12:40am (about 13 hours ago)


I took my lad to a Halloween theme park called Spooky World the other year.

It was a farm.

The "Ghost Train" involved sitting on a trailer behind a tractor with about 20 hyperactive kids and a dozen fractious parents, getting pulled through some trees. There were an assortment of mannequins hanging from the tree with knives sticking out of their bodies like a no-budget chamber of horrors.

Just as it was all over and you were thinking 'well that was a bit crap' a screaming maniac in a hockey mask with a whirring chainsaw came bursting out of the trees chasing towards us and trying to jump on the back of the trailer.

At least half the kids and several of the adults instantly started howling inconsolably and a thin layer of piss and shit lapped at our feet.

Brilliant, it was.

Friday, 5 December 2008

westpoint22 at 2008-12-05 17:49 CET:
shit quality audio and video, nothing best than DivX copy, real men wait for BluRay, stay away from this release.

Monday, 1 December 2008

In response to the release of Ambient.Fire.The.Ultimate.Video.Fireplace.DVDRip.XviD-iND.avi

28. anon says:
December 1st, 2008 at 1:33 am
you know there is nothing worth downloading when this is released…

any one know when
^^ these are being released?

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Malcome X
November 26th, 2008 | 04:58
24 is a show produced and endorsed by NWO backed corporations to instill fear into you mindless dullards who are brainwashed by the idiot box. They keep you in fear and scare you into buying into the global corporate consumerism like good little scared sheep.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

November 20th, 2008 | 20:54
reading the intro, i got excited because i thought it was about riding your young daughter like a pony. how disappointed i was when i downloaded and played it to see its a game about riding ponys.
omg..I thought the exact same thing. I thought this sounded like an Amy Whitehouse song.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

shadowluigio at 2008-10-27 01:26 CET:
the guy above me is gay. :|
but he has a good point someone please seed this.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

November 13th, 2008 | 22:05
#3 is REALLY ugly!

Even Whoopi Goldberg trying to pose sexy would be more bearable!

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Reference to Cadbury's Gorilla Advert...

Isn't chocolate a poison to cats, dogs, gorillas and birds? This is sick. That poor thing was actually convulsing... they just taped two drumsticks to his hands and sat him in that chair after feeding him 3 bars of chocolate. RIP big monkey.
paranoidandroid10 (5 minutes ago)  
0 Poor comment Good comment

hi my gay friend , you still got ur small weiner? lets be arsenal fans together
08/11/2008 13:15:17

There's something distinctly sad about men who only seem to get a h*rd on when they're in the company of automobiles!




I always wished I could write this well.

User #210820   1786 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast

This thread was more interesting when I opened the thread title thinking it was "Sims 3 with AIDS"

Yams3 at 2006-12-27 20:37 CET:

Oh, great. Thanks you fucking incompetent whiners for forcing commentaries to a separate torrent. I hope you all get electrocuted while figuring what not to do with a toaster. Fucking learn to search for an answer to a problem instead of whining about it to someone who gave you something for free. Fuck you people, you're what's wrong with the world. If it weren't for you the world would be a better place. How can you be so dumb? Is it genetic, lack of education or bad parenting? No. You're simply subhuman and you LOVE the internet because it gives you a chance to whine and complain about things you don't understand because of your own incompetence. 

Oh yeah, thanks for the torrent.


This blog is a collection of the best comments gathered from around the web.
A collection of the idiotic opinions so many people express with a whole lot of comedy thrown in.